GoveeLife Smart Electric Composter with features visualized

GoveeLife Smart Electric Composter: An intelligent food waste machine

This personal, smart electric composter will turn your food waste into natural fertilizer, minus all the nasty odors. You can then use the fertilizer for a garden or growing ops.

If you don’t throw food waste in the regular trash, you can toss it into a compost bin. The problem is that traditional compost bins get really nasty, really fast, and they can smell terrible. The GoveeLife Smart Electric Composter solves that, and it’s indoor-friendly to boot. Built-in carbon filters ensure no odors escape, while the food waste inside is converted into usable, natural fertilizer. Of course, the true allure here is the smart functionality.

You can access your composter from anywhere using the companion app. Check disposal records, track your carbon footprint, create smart schedules, and interact via your voice assistant of choice — it works with Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri. A simple touch interface allows you to control the process, starting and stopping whenever you’re ready. It holds up to 3 liters of materials and offers a 90% reduction in waste volume. It also operates quietly and has a self-cleaning function. Just insert your food waste, power it on, and wait. It’s that simple.

GoveeLife Smart Electric Composter with woman adding food waste

Who is it for?

Anyone who has a garden and needs natural fertilizer but doesn’t want to deal with a traditional compost bin. Also, even without a garden, it’s eco-friendly and reduces your carbon footprint.

Where to buy?

MSRP: $500


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